Welcome to Tobacco-Free Clear Creek
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States and remains one of the top public health concerns in the state of Colorado. Each year, tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure take the lives of more than 4,300 Coloradans. The Tobacco-Free Clear Creek health education program is designed to reduce the toll tobacco has on our communities. Our goal is to provide comprehensive information on the risks associated with tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure, protect youth from tobacco initiation and increase successful tobacco cessation outcomes among residents in Clear Creek County.
Who We Are
Tobacco-Free Clear Creek is a partnership with the Jefferson County Public Health Tobacco Prevention Initiative and Tobacco-Free Jeffco. Our staff focuses on best practice strategies for providing sustainable approaches to reducing tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure in communities. The activities of the Tobacco-Free Clear Creek health education program support and complement the goals of Tobacco-Free Jeffco as well as tobacco prevention and control efforts across the region. Our work is funded through revenue collected from the 2005 voter-approved Amendment 35 Tobacco Excise Tax.
Resources to Help You Break Free From Tobacco Dependence and Reduce Exposure to Secondhand Smoke
If you want to quit using tobacco there are several helpful, free resources available to residents of Clear Creek County. Whether you are exploring approaches for quitting, seeking ongoing support, or looking for a class or web-based self-help resource, below is a list to get you started on the quitting journey. Note: this is not intended to be an exhaustive list or an endorsement of these resources, but to offer a variety of choices for those interested in quitting or remaining tobacco-free.
Coaching, Classes, Webinars, Support Groups and Referrals
- For telephone support, coaching and resources to help you or a loved one become tobacco-free, call the Colorado QuitLine at 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit www.COQuitLine.org.
- Jefferson Center offers a supportive resources and classes for people dealing with various forms of addition and recovery. Call 303-432-5372 or visit www.jcmh.org/wellness.
- Nicotine Anonymous offers face-to-face phone and web-based 12 Step meetings. For more information visit www.Nicotine-Anonymous.org.
- The American Lung Association’s Lung HelpLine and Tobacco QuitLine is a free phone support service staffed with experts. Call 1-800-LUNGUSA any time from 7am–8pm Monday through Friday and
8am–4pm Saturday and Sunday. - For information about local resources for quitting contact the Clear Creek County Public Health’s Tobacco Prevention Initiative at 303-670-7539 or tobaccofree@co.clear-creek.co.us.
Self-Help and Web Resources
- Get help to quit by using Colorado’s web-based resources – TobaccoFreeCO.org
- Register at BecomeAnEx.org for web and text-based support for quitting tobacco.
- American Lung Association’s online Freedom From Smoking – http://www.freedomfromsmoking.org/
- Text DITCHJUUL to 887-09 to receive text-based support for quitting vaping from “This is Quitting” (ages 13-24).
- Receive text messages to support you in your quitting process – https://smokefree.gov/tools-tips/text-programs
- Download apps for quitting support: https://smokefree.gov/tools-tips/apps
- Get help quitting chew, dip, or other forms of smokeless tobacco – MyLastDip.com
- Find out more about the tobacco industry’s dirty secrets. Also find resources to help you or your older children build a resolve to quit and stay quit. Includes games, videos, and other fun youth-focused resources encouraging tobacco-free living – TheTruth.com
Our Partners
Request More Information
Contact 303-670-7539 or tobaccofree@co.clear-creek.co.us.